Harvard Business Review recently published a Michael Porter article summarizing a time study of 27 CEOs. What they uncovered was that the average CEO works 62.5 hours a week, including 37 meetings.
I imagine I had the same reaction as most CSOs reading that statistic: ”Oh yeah? I got you beat!” A quick look at my calendar proved it… depressingly.
But the punchline was that the CEOs universally agreed they weren’t managing their time as well as they could be. They reported being handcuffed to email, loading up their calendars with overlong meetings, and committing themselves to activities that had low ROI. I’ll bet most CSOs would acknowledge those failures and more.
And while the exploding sales technologies offer some remedies to time management challenges, the real requirement is a mindset change. Only then can productivity tools (predictive analytics platforms, activity management tools, scheduling tools, virtual meeting tools, etc.) refine the approach.
So what