By Tibor Shanto
People will tell you that the number one reason sellers do not like to prospect, specifically telephone prospecting, is rejection. However, if we step back, there is no less rejection in other means of prospecting, say e-mail or LinkedIn prospecting; when you look at the numbers, the phone is more effective than e-mail, (better together), it’s just not in your face (ear), like the phone. There is no mistaking a rejection on the phone, but with those other softer tools, you can tell yourself they’re just ignoring you, maybe next time. A distinction without a difference when measured by outcomes as opposed to emotion. Just the anticipation of being rejected crushes egos and opportunities to boot; sellers become so paralyzed by the thought of the objection, they fail to deal with it properly when it comes, and it always comes.
I don’t like objections any more than anyone reading this,