Why is B2B marketing so bad so often? Sure, there are plenty of smart and talented marketers who produce some interesting campaigns that generate incredible results. They are exceptions and not the standard.
Don’t be offended. I’m not here to socially shame or condescendingly lecture the world of B2B marketers. I’m the first to admit I make lots of mistakes and my learning journey is full of potholes, mistakes, and wrong turns. There are many times my well-intended ideas turned into a dud. I am still learning after more than 20 years.
Marketing is the most strategic and demanding role within any company. The breadth and depth of marketing responsibilities is massive. (read my post: “The Ridiculous Scope of B2B Marketing Responsibilities”) No other function touches customers more often and longer than marketing. Marketing guides the strategic direction and success of any company. Marketing must keep the trains running with a steady