Most sales executives realize the value and importance of sales coaching.
They know that sales coaching is one of the most significant levers to drive superior sales performance.
To Coach Or Not To Coach? That Is The Question
Here is what the data shows:
Only 14% are spending enough time sales coaching
Only 7% are effectively sales coaching
Less than 1% are doing the right kind of coaching and debriefing
*Source: Objective Management Group, Dave Kurlan.
Based on these statistics the answer is: Sales managers are not sales coaching!
Alarm bells should be going off in every sales organization.
In my article I want to share my thoughts on the following:
Why are sales managers not coaching?
What is the problem?
How can you rectify it?
Before I answer these questions, I need to ask, who do you think owns sales coaching? Is it senior sales management or frontline sales management?
The quick answer is both.
Senior management is responsible for ensuring that they have