By Winfield Salyards, Marketing Coordinator at Heinz Marketing
Sales and Marketing alignment is critical to any ABM transition’s success, and while sales-marketing alignment requires changes in mindset, changes are also needed on an individual level. Here are 5 key sales mindsets needed for sales success during an ABM change.
Quality over quantity
In ABM, quality should always go before quantity. The game isn’t about reaching as many people as possible or meeting a call quota anymore. Your team needs to be prioritizing personalized and specific communications with prospects, aligning the messaging with what is known about the account.
Take the extra few minutes to understand a contact or account better.
When in doubt, take the time needed to understand, gather, and understand the target accounts assigned to you. Refresh your memory of them regularly.
Let the low priority and low scoring leads go – at least for the moment.
Let the low-scoring, low-priority leads go. All because