Do you believe that we only use 10% of our brains? If so, you’ve bought into a fake fact. While some fake facts are harmless, others like, “The flu vaccination can give you the flu” can produce devastating consequences.
I’ve run across several fake facts about sales presentations over the years: New techniques hailed as “the latest, greatest idea.” Old wives’ tales passed down from generation to generation. Blindly followed, some of these “facts” can create real damage to your credibility and even derail your entire presentation.
5 Fake Facts Killing your Sales Presentation
1: Follow the 18-minute Ted Talk Rule.
The 18-minute rule was based on one neuroscience study and Ted Talk curator Chris Anderson’s opinion that 18-minutes is “short enough to hold people’s attention…and precise enough to be taken seriously.”
Sorry, but there is nothing magical about 18-minutes. Even presentation guru Carmine Gallo (who once suggested all business pitches should follow the