By Winfield Salyards, Marketing Coordinator at Heinz Marketing
With U.S. Thanksgiving right around the corner and December rapidly approaching, it’s a great opportunity for us marketers to exercise our empathy muscles by taking stock of what we’re grateful for in 2020. I know. 2020 has been a tough year for everyone. But that makes it more important to remember what good has happened, and it is a good way to practice tapping into empathy—an important part of being a good marketer. Research has shown that regularly practicing gratitude has many benefits to our wellbeing and mental health, including improving your sleep, reducing aggression, and increasing social connections. Here are 4 gratitude exercises for you during the Thanksgiving holiday.
Identify 3 things you take for granted but are actually very thankful for.
Everyone has things they take for granted in their lives, so why not take a moment to identify those things you’re thankful