Marketing Performance Management (MPM) and attribution is gaining awareness and adoption among B2B marketers, especially with attribution analysis. It’s about time.
When planned and executed correctly MPM and attribution measurement are powerful tools for B2B marketers. Attribution measurement is a component of Marketing Performance Management and it’s important because it shows how well channels are performing in building sales pipeline and driving revenue, and at what cost.
It takes careful planning and implementation to make attribution successful. Here are the lessons we want to share from our MPM experiences over the last two years.
Identify and Align Around the Important KPI’s First
This is where it’s important to plan for the KPI’s to track and map and get the organization aligned. It’s meaningless to track attribution without any plan or connection to strategic KPI’s.
A marketing executive must lead this effort, which requires alignment with company goals and executive stakeholders. Identifying the KPI’s that show how