I wrote the book A Mind for Sales and High-Profit Prospecting, both of which apply to this topic of salespeople making prospecting mistakes. Here are the top 10:
1. Relying on Social Media
Social media is fine, but you can’t only rely on it and nothing else. You have to use every channel out there to reach people. This includes the phone, email, texting, or whatever other avenue of communication it may be. Don’t just sit there and think that you can depend on social media 100%. It can be fine for a slice of your audience, but you’ll never reach your full potential if that’s you’re only avenue.
2. Being Self-Focused
This is a big one. Guess what? Prospects don’t care how good you are. They don’t care how many awards you’ve received. They don’t even care how many years you’ve been in business. All they care about is their problems, and