There are really only two ways to sell anything. One is a struggle most of the time. Let's call this one "Hard Selling". The other seems pretty effortless. I call this one "Collaborative Selling". I must admit that both will get you some business. However, "Hard Selling" is always uphill battle. "Collaborative Selling," on the other hand, guarantees you huge rewards, an endless flow of ready-to-buy prospects, and creates an environment for you to have incredible fun doing it. Before we go any further we have to clarify which method you have been using. Here's a simple test that should give you a clue if you're not already sure. Answer these 3 questions: *How much of your business comes from unsolicited referrals? *How many of your customers buy from you again and again? *Is the closing of the sale easy or hard? When you become a part of your customers' very own support staff (which is the case in "Collaborative Selling"), you ...