Why use a company-wide assessment? Business development expert, Jo Spurrier, answers the question for us in this week’s highly anticipated story. Jo outlines the top 6 reasons why a company-wide assessment is so invaluable for establishing an objective foundation for the macro and micro development within an organization. With Jo’s enlightening discussion and terrific insights the value – at every level – becomes crystal clear.
Top 6 Reasons for a Company-wide Assessment
By Jo Spurrier
D o we really need to include ‘everyone’ in our organization’s assessment? The answer is always the same: “yes, every person, every time!” Meaning, all employees’ perceptions and viewpoints are valuable and we know perceptions drive actions and behavior. Despite the challenges to include everyone in an assessment, the ‘Every person, every time’ mantra echoes what a dentist once shared about flossing — “Only floss the ones you want to keep!” Objective and rich data (along with