How does one live life without regrets? Is it even possible? Are there really lifehacks and lessons to be learned? We can’t think of a better time than the New Year to begin living a life free of regret. This week on Platinum Rules for Success, one of our most popular contributors, Anne Bachrach, offers her sage advice. Anne (aka the Accountability Coach) suggests that living a life without regret begins with recognizing the extraordinary opportunities we’re presented with. Do they pass us without notice? Or do we seize them with recognition, energy and enthusiasm?
Real Life Isn’t Boring! How to Live Life with No Regrets
by Anne Bachrach
L ife goes by so quickly – don’t miss out on the extraordinary opportunities you have to live life without regret! Ask yourself this question, if you left this world tomorrow, would you feel as if you lived life to the fullest extent?
While you