In today’s minute-to-minute, online social media driven society it’s easy to become trapped in reactive or negative thinking. This week, Dr. Tony Alessandra reveals the HOW behind imbuing positiveness. He explains that genuinely positive people naturally attract others and position themselves for achieving the goals and aspirations they’ve set.
by Dr. Tony Alessandra
P ositiveness means maintaining a state of positive expectations about people and situations, including a positive state of energy in your thoughts and emotional patterns. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s book, The Power of Positive Thinking, was published over 40 years ago and it continues to sell well because it contains such a universal truth: the attitudes we hold help to shape the reality we experience.
Having a positive attitude isn’t something you just tack on to your old personality. That positiveness isn’t external like a new suit. It comes from deep within you. It has to or it