Do you spend a portion of your business day on the phone? Speaking with new or existing clients? When we pick up the phone to have a conversation, oftentimes, we have no idea what to expect on the other end. The good news? Anyone well versed in the DISC model of behavioral profiling can quickly identify another person’s style – even over the phone – and adapt their communication accordingly. In this week’s story, bestselling author Dr. Tony Alessandra, shares his tips for identifying DISC Styles on the phone and how to respond optimally. Be sure to take these lessons to heart – they could be the difference in securing future professional relationships!
Identifying DISC Styles on the Phone
by Dr. Tony Alessandra
How Will You Know a High ‘D’ by Phone?
When speaking on the phone to a High ‘D’, treat her the same way
as in a person-to-person contact. Think of the ABC’s: