Any history buffs out there? Any curious minds about the early origins of behavioral style models? In this week’s story, Dr. Tony Alessandra gives us an introduction to the history of the four behavioral styles. Dr. Tony shines a light on the discussion and development of these styles through the centuries – from Hippocrates through Jung – we learn both the differences and the common threads of profiling people. Leading us up to the modern 4-style model – in particular, the popular DISC model. Dr. Tony also offers brief descriptions of each of the four styles: Dominance, Influencing, Steady, and Conscientious. Take a peek to get a better understanding of the history behind behavioral styles!
History of the Four Behavioral Styles
by Dr. Tony Alessandra
F or some, the “4 styles” model of human behavior is a new concept. However, you have probably run across this concept on more than one occasion.