Christian Maurer, is an independent consultant, trainer, and coach for sales effectiveness. He has a proven track record of advising how to measurably increase the productivity of large, international B2BĀ salesĀ organizations.
Christian enables sales executives and managers how to plan and execute customer-centric sales strategies by focusing on process management rather than trying to manage results.
To assist with the execution of those customer-centric strategies, he trains and coaches salespeople how to increase their productivity by improving leading indicators such conversion rates, velocity in the funnel and potential deal size. He strengthens their ability to identify more new opportunities, to retain important customers to approach potential buyers, to leverage marketing for their sales campaigns and to orchestrate their activities with those of their business partners.
Christian also teaches graduate courses on Sales Methodology and Sales Management at ESB Business School at Reutlingen University and Aalen University in Germany. He is a member of GSSI (Global Sales Science Institute)