Professionally and personally, communication is critical when it comes to relationships. Unfortunately, it can oftentimes be a seemingly impossible task. This is why understanding DISC styles and its lessons in behavioral adaptability are so important. Read Dr. Tony Alessandra’s story to first learn which DISC styles are most/least compatible, and secondly to learn what you can do to improve relationships between the less compatible styles.
DISC Styles and Task Compatibility
by Dr. Tony Alessandra
W hen it comes to tasks – whether it is doing a project at work, purchasing a family car, or just balancing the checkbook – the DISC styles who are drawn to one another socially do not necessarily attract as much as they compete, or even conflict.
Now, their similarities can get in the way because they have the same needs. After all, to complete a task, one must have resources, rewards, time, space, and attention. But there is